Russia's invasion and when I lived in Ukraine

Russian forces enter Ukraine

I lived in the Ukraine and studied in the town of Odessa. Our student hostel had foreign students from over 30 countries. I remember Olga, the middle age teacher who taught us Russian. I remember others who taught us Mathematics and other subjects, and a World war II veteran who taught us history. The Polytechnic institute where we studied was a bus ride from our student hostel.

Years after leaving Odessa, I returned to Ukraine and visited Kiev and the Crimea. Visiting the mosque and The Bakhchisaray Khan’s Palace, the 16th Century Crimean ruler's palace, I was reminded that Islamic rule has a long history in this part of the Ukraine - which was also part of the Ottoman Khilafah (Caliphate). In Crimea, I saw our Ummah's great love for Islam and their amazing hospitality. Shortly after my visit, Russia invaded Crimea in 2014 and started jailing and oppressing its Muslims.

Putin’s invasion and Muslims

Putin, like successive Russian leaders, has oppressed and killed Muslims locally and in Syria. May Allah (swt) protect our ummah in Ukraine and elsewhere.

 Western powers reaction

Today, Boris Johnson and Biden scream that Russia has ignored international law. Where was international law when America and UK invaded Iraq and Afghanistan killing hundreds of thousands of Muslims? For the West, international law is a tool used only when it suits them.
As I woke today to news of Russia's invasion and the reports and fear people in Ukraine are feeling, my mind went to where I was when the first UK and US bombs started to be dropped on Afghanistan. Or when cruise missiles started to be dropped on Baghdad by the Western government's crying foul today. I started to remember the fear and terror people felt in Baghdad, Kabul, Kandahar and other places.

 World needs a new order

The world needs a new order that is free from hypocrisy and provides true justice for all people. Only the Islamic Khilafan system can do that again.

The Islamic Khilafah system is the only model and way to guide humanity to the truth, serve people and lift oppression from people.

 Taji Mustafa


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