I danced to Baby Shark again, and again, …

Are you seriously going to refuse to dance to the Baby Shark song on loop when you meet two cute relatives for the first time in your life? Seriously? Me, I'm not that hard hearted. We danced and I did the hand gestures as well.

Theses cute children's parents are of Pakistani and Nigerian heritage -brought together in marriage by the beautiful blessing called Islam. Because of covid, I had not traveled to see them since these two children were born, so alhamdulillah I was able to visit today.

We danced to baby shark, I had to get mum and dad to translate some of the toddler talk, I was called chacha (uncle) again and again, and the little boy cried as I was leaving. Don't worry, chacha Taji held it together I had a whale of a time, alhamdulillah.


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